Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Green ash
Family Oleaceae
成人AV视频 sixty-five species of Fraxinus are native to Asia, Europe, and North America. They are trees, mostly with compound leaves. Many are used for timber. This species is native to the eastern United States and Candada, occuring naturally as far west as Wyoming. Its compound leaves are arranged along the stems in pairs. Its small flowers are held in inconspicuous clusters. The fruits are flattened so they may be dispersed by wind. This tree is dioecious, meaning that a tree produces flowers for either pollen or seeds, not both. Ash wood has a wide variety of uses including tool handles, poles, and furniture. According to Florida Ethnobotany (Daniel F. Austin, 2004), this was an important wood for the manufacure of bows and arrows by native Americans. Wildlife feeds on ash leaves and seeds. The larvae of tiger swallowtail butterflies feed on ash leaves.
See this tree along the Lake Oneida boardwalk.
Large tree with the potential to reach one hundred feet tall.
Care Instructions:
Light: full sun to part shade
Water: tolerates seasonal flooding, grows best in moist soils
Soil: adaptable to a wide pH range
This native tree is usually found in low, moist forests. It is not common in local gardens.