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Botanical Garden

Caesalpinia pulcherimma - Pride of Barbados

Caesalpinia pulcherimma with orange flower on top
Caesalpinia pulcherimma close up of orange and red flowers
Caesalpinia pulcherimma with orange flower on top
Caesalpinia pulcherimma close up of orange and red flowers
Caesalpinia pulcherimma with orange flower on top
Caesalpinia pulcherimma close up of orange and red flowers

Family Fabaceae


成人AV视频 a hundred species of Caesalpinia are native to tropical America, Asia and Namibia, Africa. They may be shrubs, vines or trees. Most are spiny. Several species are useful for timber, dyes and local medicines. Pride of Barbados is native to Central America, northwestern South America, and the Caribbean. It is a popular flowering shrub or small tree in warm climates around the world. It can make a small, spreading tree to about fifteen feet tall or more. Flowers are borne in short spikes and are bright orange and yellow. Varieties exist that have pink-red and yellow and all yellow flowers.


See plants on the south wall of building 9.


In Jacksonville, expect this large shrub or small tree to grow to about fifteen feet tall.

Care Instructions:

Light: full sun

Water: drought tolerant

Soil: ordinary, well-drained soil, no other special requirements

This is a large, deciduous shrub or small tree for a hot, dry site. It appears that two distinctive forms exist. The Mexican form that is planted on campus is rare in cultivation. Seeds for the plant on campus came from San Antonio, Texas. It is reported to be cold hardier than the common Caribbean form found in Florida nurseries and has bristles on the stems instead of thorns.