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Botanical Garden

Bulbine frutescens - Bulbine

Bulbine frutescens
Bulbine frutescens
Bulbine frutescens

Family Asphodelaceae


成人AV视频 thirty species of Bulbine are native to southern Africa. They are herbaceous plants, often with succulent leaves. This species is a small, clumping plant with onion-like leaves about six to nine inches long. Yellow or orange flowers are on stalks held above the foliage. Flower stalks are twelve to eighteen inches tall. The PlantzAfrica website says that the gelatinous sap from crushed leaves can be used to treat burns and skin ailments in much the same way as aloe juice.


An orange flowered selection named 'Hallmark' is planted on the west side of Building 1.


Small herbaceous plant with flower spikes to twelve to eighteen inches tall.

Care Instructions:

Light: sun, part shade, shade

Water: moist soil, well-drained soil, drought tolerant

Soil: adaptable to soil types, no other special requirements

This plant grows best in Jacksonville in well-drained soil in sun or part sun. It is a durable little plant that flowers most of the year. It performs well as a ground cover when planted in mass.