Aralia spinosa - Devil's walking stick

Family Araliaceae
成人AV视频 forty species of Aralia are native to North America and Asia. They are shrubs or small trees. Devil's walking stick is native to the eastern United States, including Florida. It is a tall, multi-stemmed shrub to about fifteen feet tall. It spreads by underground shoots. Stems are very spiny and have few branches. The large leaves are twice divided into small leaflets. Tiny white flowers are borne in large clusters at the ends of the stems in summer. Fruits are small black berries produced in fall. Native Americans used the roots to treat a variety of ailments. Berries are eaten by birds and other wildlife.
Plants grow along the trails at Lake Oneida.
A shrubby, suckering plant to about fifteen feet tall.
Care Instructions:
Light: part shade
Water: adaptable, somewhat drought tolerant
Soil: no special requirements
This native plant is easy to grow in a moist situation in part shade. The large leaves make a bold accent in the garden.