Aloe vera - Burn plant, Aloe
Family Asphodelaceae
成人AV视频 two hundred species of Aloe are native to Africa and the Mediterranean. They range from small grass-like species to plants with tall, branched trunks. The burn plant does not develop a trunk. Its succulent leaves are about twelve inches long. The sap inside the leaves of this species is used locally for treating burns and commercially for a wide range of toiletries and cosmetics. As a result, it is cultivated around the world. Attractive orange, tubular flowers are produced on stalks above the foliage. Aloes are similar in appearance to agaves that are native to the Americas but are not closely related to them.
The scientific names of burn plants are a bit confusing in Florida. More than one species grows in Florida gardens and more than one name has been applied to them. At the time of this writing, the name Aloe vera is accepted by the USDA for the most commonly cultivated species.
Plants can be seen along south wall of building 15.
Small herbaceous plant with a flower spike that can reach eighteen inches tall.
Care Instructions:
Light: full sun to part shade
Water: well-drained soil, tolerates drought
Soil: very adaptable provided the soil drains well