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Botanical Garden

Acer rubrum - Red maple

Acer rubrum
Acer rubrum
Acer rubrum

Family Sapindaceae (formerly Aceraceae)


Various sources place the number of maple species in the world between ninety and two hundred. Mostly, they are found in the northern hemisphere: North America, Europe, and Asia. Red maple ranges across eastern North America from Canada through Florida. This is a tall, deciduous tree with the potential to reach 100 feet or more in height. Wild plants in Florida occur in wet sites. The soft wood of red maple is susceptible to wood rot and brittle branches. The best grades of red maple timber are sometimes used in commercial lumber but its softer wood is more prone to defects than the preferred maple species. Maple syrup from red maple is considered to be of high quality. Reportedly, the bark was used by native Americans and early settlers as medicine, a blue dye, and in the manufacture of ink. for Several varieties for the landscape trade were selected for superior fall color or variations in growth habit. Maple is an important browse for wildlife and the abundantly produced seeds are a wildlife food.


See plants around campus especially in wet natural areas.


Large tree capable of growing to one hundred feet tall.

Care Instructions:

Light: full sun

Water: moderate drought tolerance once established, best with irrigation or in a moist site

Soil: average soil, wide pH tolerance, no special requirements

Red maple grows easily and relatively fast in north Florida. It is best suited for a low, moist site. When conditions combine in just the right way, the orange, red, to purple fall foliage of red maple can be very attractive in our area. Red, winged seeds in late winter are its most reliable source of color in Florida.