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Academic and Student Affairs

Academic Chair Calendar

Month  CBA Topic CBA Article Deadline Date
March Spring submission deadline for ALCs and GALCs
Deadline for faculty textbook adoptions for summer terms
Submission for Core GE syllabus for Summer A and C
Develop course schedule for fall (ensure schedule meets needs for students projected to graduate in near terms)
Departmental "explore the major" event/activity
Course Schedule due for Fall

March 1
March 15
March 15
Early March
Early March
Mid March


Distribute to Faculty Form/Format for Annual Evaluation  (include any returning visitors)

Distribute to Library Faculty Annual Report of Activities form found in CBA H1-1   



April 1

April 1

Communication of Assignment.  Provide faculty a general written statement of their annual assignment of responsibilities in teaching, research/scholarship/creative activities, professional service, and other duties assigned for that year, including a percentage effort for each area of the assignment.  (See examples on the ASA page 成人AV视频: Council of Chairs under Quick Links, Resources)

For Library faculty, distribute assignment form Appendix H1-2



April 1

April 1

  Deadline for faculty textbook adoptions for fall term
Submission for Core GE syllabus for Summer B
Candidates notify chair no later than 4/15 of intention to go up for tenure or promotion

April 15
April 15
April 15

Early Winter
Colleague Tenure Appraisal (also known as mid-tenure review)
  • Deadline for Faculty to Submit Mid-Tenure Case in Interfolio
  • Deadline for Dept Committee to Review Candidate's Case


Early February
February/March of Candidate's Third Year
      Chairs complete faculty FARS "other actions"
Registration begins for Summer and Fall; Monitor waitlists and priortize students projected to graduate (adjuct caps or add sections)
Registration campaign for first year FTIC students: Department and dean's office
   First/Second week of April
End of April
End of April
May HIPs Course Tagging for Spring courses and ALL AY courses
Suspension decisions due
Communicate Change in Summer Teaching Assignment 

May 1
Early May
No Later than 4 Weeks before start date  
  ISQ Results Available 18.5(a) By May 15 (to be incorporated into annual evaluations)

Develop a plan to assess and address courses and course sections offered across the Academic Year with high DFW rates.  Review unresolved Incomplete Grades wich focus on cohort students and "I" grades assigned by faculty no longer at 成人AV视频
Determine which courses may benefit from Supplemental Instruction PASS an dTutoring support and conenct with SASS
Connect faculty to OFE for instructional design and teaching support in annual evaluations

May - July


Faculty to submit Annual Performance Self-Evaluation
Library Faculty to submit Annual Report of Activities
FARS system opens
FARS information sessoins


June 1
June 1
Mid June
Late June

  Check in with Tenure and Promotion candidates regarding list of external reviewers
to do over the summer
  Late June
July Summer submission deadline for ALCs and GALCs
Provide library faculty with Annual Performance Evaluation
FARS system closes
Submission for Core GE syllabus for fall
Course Schedule opens for Spring

July 1
July 1
Late July
July 1
Early July
  Provide faculty with Annual Performance Evaluation
Provide pre-tenure faculty with Tenure Appraisals (Chair's Appraisal) separate from Evaluation - 
Progress Toward Tenure (see example on ) 
Prepare staff evaluations
July 15
July 15
  Final Assignment Letter for fall to be communicated in writing     
Communicate any change in teaching assignment for fall to faculty member
No later than 6 weeks before start of fall term
No later than 4 weeks before start of fall term

Plan events for the academic year to foster and enhance students' sense of belonging to your major. 
Remind faculty about the importance of submitting eArly Academic Alerts (EAA).  EAA is open the first 6 weeks of term.
Notify third-year faculty and department faculty of upcoming Colleagues' Appraisal (mid-tenure review)
Complete entry of Faculty Ratings into Faculty Ratings system in MyWings
Review unresolved incomplete grades with focus on cohort students and 'I' grades assigned by faculty no longer at 成人AV视频


Early August

Beginning of fall term (Mid-August)
End of August
Late August

  Deadline for Library faculty and supervisor to sign Assigned Activities Form 19.2(b)(4) August 15
September Fall submission deadline for ALCs and GALCs
Deadline for faculty to complete "Acknowledgement of Receipt of Evaluative Materials" and return to Chair
Professional Development Funding distributed to academic departments
Course Schedule due for Spring (ensure schedule meets needs for students projected to graduate in near terms (e.g., frequent/consistent offerings of program requirements)
Departmental welcome activity/event for first-year students declaring your major
Late Add deadline (to late add a course) Fall

September 1
September 1

Last week of Sept or 1st week of Oct

End of 3rd week of term/part of term
  Deadline for chair to distribute Travel Expense Reimbursement Report to faculty  16.1(d) September 30
October Deadline for finalized copy of evaluation 18.5(h) October 1
  Deadline for Faculty textbook adoptions for spring term
Remind faculty to submit Midterm Grades (S/U) and to discuss with students what they should do in the case of a U-Grade
Assess courses with high proportion of Unsatisfactory Midterm Grades; reach out to faculty to determine if support is needed
Deadline for faculty to submit sabbatical/pdl applications
  October 15
End of October
November If possible, the final assignment for spring shall be communicated 

Submission of Core GE syllabus for spring
Registration begins for Spring- monitor waitlists and priortize students projected to graduate (adjust caps or add sections)
14.4(b) No later than 6 weeks prior to start of sp 
November 1
2nd or 3rd week of November
Late November
December Communicate to faculty any change to spring assignment 
Course Schedule opens for Summer 
Suspension decisions due
14.5(b) No later than 4 weeks prior to start of sp 
Early December

Budget Cycle begins
Communication campaign with unregistered first-year FTIC students: departments and deans
Remind faculty to submit Early Academic Alerts (EAA) where applicable
Course Schedule opens for Fall
Late Add deadline Spring

Review unresolved Incomplete Grades with focus on cohort students and 'I' grades assigned by faculty no longer at 成人AV视频


No deadline - process over months
Early January

Late January
4 weeks after pre-cert opens (usually week 12 in spring)
Late January


Course Schedule Due for Summer
Remind faculty to submit Midterm Grades (S/U) and to discuss with students what they should do in the case of a U-grade
Assess courses with high proportion of Unsatisfactory Midterm Grades; reach out to faculty to determine if support is needed
Departmental welcome activity/event for first-year students declaring your major

  Early February

Late February