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Undergraduate Courses and Prerequisites

Below is a list of all current Coggin College of Business courses listed in the 成人AV视频 catalog with their required prerequisite. This should be referenced when course planning to ensure you meet prerequisites.


Accounting (ACG, TAX)
Course Prerequisite
ACG 2021 Financial Accounting MAC 1105 College Algebra, 20 earned hours
ACG 2071 Managerial Accounting ACG 2021, MAC 1105, 20 earned hours
ACG 3103 Intermediate Accounting I ACG 2021, co-req: CGS 1100
ACG 3113 Intermediate Accounting II ACG 3103
ACG 3123 Intermediate Accounting III ACG 3113
ACG 3501 Fund Accounting ACG 3103
ACG 4201 Advanced Accounting ACG 3123
ACG 4361 Cost Accounting ACG 2071, CGS 1100
ACG 4381 Controllership ACG 4361
ACG 4401 Accounting Information Systems ACG 3103
ACG 4261 EDP Auditing & Control ACG 4401, ACG 4651, ACG 4671
ACG 4651 Auditing ACG 3113, ACG 4401
ACG 4863 Accounting in Film ACG 3103
ACG 4931 Special Topics; Accounting ACG 2071 and instructor permission
ACG 4941 Accounting Internship ACG 3103, 3.0 GPA
ACG 4944 Small Business Counsel ACG 3103 and instructor permission
ACG 4956 Study Abroad in Accounting Instructor Permission
TAX 3001 Federal Income Tax ACG 2071
TAX 3011 Income Tax for Corporations TAX 3001, ACG 3103
TAX 3721 Tax Plan in Financial Decisions ACG 2021; co-req: FIN 3124
TAX 4901 DIS (Directed Independent Study) TAX 3001, Instructor Permission


Finance (FIN, REE, RMI)
Course Prerequisite
FIN 3124 Financial Planning co-req: FIN 3403
FIN 3140 Personal Finance ---
FIN 3303 Financial Markets and Institutions ECO 2013, FIN 3403
FIN 3403 Financial Management ACG 2071, STA 2023, ECO 2023
FIN 4126 Seminar in Financial Planning FIN 4504, REE 4043
FIN 4128 Fin Plan Process & Development FIN 4504, RMI 3011, RMI 4135, TAX 3721 or TAX 3001; co-req: FIN 4132
FIN 4132 Estate Planning TAX 3721
FIN 4414 Financial Management II FIN 3403
FIN 4453 Financial Modeling Instructor permission
FIN 4461 Financial Statement Analysis FIN 3403
FIN 4504 Investments FIN 3403
FIN 4514 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management FIN 4504
FIN 4533 Derivatives FIN 4504
FIN 4550 Fixed Income FIN 3403 and instructor permission
FIN 4556 Behavioral Finance FIN 4504
FIN 4560 Student Managed Investment Fund FIN 4504 and instructor permission
FIN 4561 Student Managed Investment Fund II FIN 4560
FIN 4604 International Finance FIN 3403
FIN 4901 Directed Independent Study FIN 3403, instructor and department approval
FIN 4931 Special Topics in Finance FIN 3403, instructor permission
FIN 4940 Financial Planning Internship FIN 3403, FIN 3124, permission from Internship Coordinator
FIN 4941 Finance Internship FIN 3403, permission from Internship Coordinator
FIN 4956 Study Abroad in Finance Instructor Permission
REE 4043 Real Estate Analysis ---
REE 4303 Real Estate Finance/Investment FIN 3403, REE 4043
RMI 3011 Risk Management and Insurance co-req: FIN 3124
RMI 4135 Employee Benefit Plans MAN 3025; co-req: FIN 3124


Economics and Geography (ECO, ECP, ECS, GEO, GIS)
Course Prerequisite
ECO 2013 Macroeconomics ---
ECO 2023 Microeconomics ---
ECO 3101 Intermediate Microeconomics ECO 2023
ECO 3203 Intermediate Macroeconomics ECO 2013; co-req: ECO 3411 or MAN 4550
ECO 3411 Business & Economic Statistics STA 2023 (or equivalent Intro/Elementary Stats)
ECO 3421 Econometrics ECO 2013, ECO 2023 & ECO 3411
ECO 3701 Contemporary International Economic Issues ---
ECO 3704 International Trade ECO 2023
ECO 4223 Monetary Economics ECO 3203 or instructor permission
ECO 4400 Game Theory ECO 2013, ECO 2023
ECO 4504 Public Finance ECO 2013, ECO 2023 or instructor permission
ECO 4713 International Monetary Systems ECO 3203
ECO 4905 DIS (Directed Independent Study) Instructor Permission
ECO 4933 Special Topics: Eco Instructor Permission
ECO 4956 Study Abroad in Eco Instructor Permission
ECP 3203 Labor Economics ECO 2013, ECO 2023 or instructor permission
ECP 3302 Environmental Economics ECO 2023 or instructor permission
ECP 3403 Economics of Industrial Organizations ECO 2013, ECO 2023
ECP 3613 Urban Economics ECO 2023
ECP 4413 Government and Business ECO 2013, ECO 2023
ECS 3013 Economic Development ECO 2013, ECO 2023 or instructor permission
GEO 2200 Physical Geography ---
GEO 2420 Cultural Geography ---
GEO 3372 Conservation of Natural Resources ---
GEO 3502 Economic Geography ECO 2013 or ECO 2023 or instructor permission
GEO 3553 Cultural Dimensions of Economic Geography ---
GEO 4905 Directed Independent Study Department Chair permission
GEO 4930 Special Topics in Geography Instructor Permission
GEO 4956 Study Abroad in Geography Junior or Senior standing
GIS 3043 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems ---
GIS 3250 Geographic Information Systems for Biology      ---
GIS 4024 Aerial Surveillance and Mapping ---
GIS 4048 Intermediate GIS GIS 3043 or GIS 3250


Management (BUL, GEB, ISM, MAN)
Course Prerequisite
BUL 3130 Legal Environment of Business 20 earned hours
BUL 4350 Business Law II BUL 3130
BUL 4905 Directed Independent Study BUL 3130 and Department Chair permission
GEB 1011 Foundations of Business ---
GEB 2112 Planning a New Business ---
GEB 2956 Study Abroad in Business Instructor permission; co-req: foreign language and MAN 2652
GEB 3105 Small Business Money Management ---
GEB 3132 Family Business Management ---
GEB 3154 Entrepreneurial Marketing ---
GEB 3361 International Business Internship Internship Coordinator permission
GEB 4104 Small Business Consulting ---
GEB 4113 Entrepreneurship ---
GEB 4941 Foundations of International Business ---
GEB 4942 Entrepreneurial Internship GEB 4113, Internship Coordinator permission
ISM 4011 Intro to Management Information Systems MAN 3025, CGS 1100
ISM 4113 Analysis and Design of Bus Sys ISM 4011
ISM 4210 Data and Information Mgt ISM 4011
ISM 4220 Business Data Communications ISM 4011
ISM 4400 Enterprise App Integration      ISM 4011, ISM4220
ISM 4403 Business Intelligence ISM 4011
MAN 2652 Intro to Global Business ---
MAN 3025 Principles of Management 36 earned hours (at start of course)
MAN 3504 Operations Management STA 2023
MAN 4029 Service Operations Management MAN 3504
MAN 4064 Organizational Ethics MAN 3025 or instructor permission
MAN 4082 E-Business Strategy MAN 3025, ISM 4011
MAN 4143 Effective Business Leadership MAN 3025 and 2.5 GPA
MAN 4201 Organizational Theory MAN 3025
MAN 4240 Organizational Behavior MAN 3025
MAN 4294 Creativity and Innovation ---
MAN 4301 Human Resource Management MAN 3025
MAN 4312 Employee Relations Management

MAN 3025; co-req: MAN 4301

MAN 4329 HR Analytics

MAN 4301

MAN 4334 Rewards System Management     MAN 3025; co-req: MAN 4301
MAN 4335 Employee Benefits MAN 3025
MAN 4361 Organizational Staffing MAN 3025; co-req: MAN 4301
MAN 4390 Current Issues in HR Management MAN 3025; co-req: MAN 4301
MAN 4441 Negotiations MAN 3025
MAN 4550 Intro to Management Science STA 2023 (or equivalent Intro/Elementary Stats), MAC 2233
MAN 4583 Project Management MAN 3504, ISM 4011
MAN 4600 International Management MAN 3025 or instructor permission
MAN 4701 Business and Society MAN 3025
MAN 4702 Emergency and Disaster Management ---
MAN 4720 Strategic Management and Business Policy MAN 3025, MAR 3023, FIN 3403, 2.0 overall and upper-level 成人AV视频 GPA, College permission via application
MAN 4905 Directed Independent Study Instructor permission
MAN 4930 Special Topics in Management Instructor permission
MAN 4940 HRM Internship MAN 3025, MAN 4301, Internship Coordinator permission
MAN 4942 Management Internship MAN 3025, MAN 3504, MAN 4240 OR MAN 4301
MAN 4956 Study Abroad in Management Instructor permission


Marketing (MAR)
Courses Prerequisites
MAR 2905 Special Topics in Marketing Instructor permission
MAR 3023 Principles of Marketing ---
MAR 3522 The Pursuit of Happiness in a Consumption-Driven World ---
MAR 3702 Principles of Digital Transformation ---
MAR 4104 Social and Ethical Issues in Marketing MAR 3023
MAR 4156 International Marketing MAR 3023
MAR 4206 Marketing Channels MAR 3023
MAR 4231 Retail Management MAR 3023
MAR 4323 Advertising Management MAR 3023
MAR 4325 Social Media Marketing Strategy MAR 3023
MAR 4333 Integrated Marketing Communication MAR 3023
MAR 4400 Professional Selling MAR 3023
MAR 4403 Sales Management MAR 3023
MAR 4503 Consumer Behavior MAR 3023
MAR 4613 Marketing Research Information MAR 3023
MAR 4615 Introduction to Marketing Analytics MAR 3023, STA 2023 (or equivalent Intro/Elementary Stats)
MAR 4663 Marketing Models MAR 3023
MAR 4721 Digital Marketing Strategy MAR 3023
MAR 4803 Strategic Marketing MAR 4503, MAR 4613, senior standing
MAR 4827 Relationship Marketing Management MAR 3023
MAR 4841 Services Marketing MAR 3023
MAR 4906 Special Topics in Marketing Instructor Permission
MAR 4913 Directed Independent Study Instructor permission
MAR 4939 Professional Development Seminar MAR 3023 with B or better, Overall or 成人AV视频 GPA of 3.2 or higher
MAR 4941 Marketing Internship MAR 3023, Internship Coordinator permission
MAR 4956 Study Abroad in Marketing Instructor Permission


Transportation and Logistics (SCM, TRA)
Courses Prerequisites
SCM 4155 Supply Chain Management TRA 3035, MAN3025, MAR3023, MAN3504, TRA4202 or TRA4210

SCM 4170 Supply Chain Management Strategy, Leadership and Business Applications

TRA 3035 Foundations of Transportation ---
TRA 4132 Purchasing Management (formerly TRA 4461) ---
TRA 4139 Seminar in Purchasing Material Management ---
TRA 4202 Logistics System Management STA 2023 (or equivalent)
TRA 4210 Logistics Subsystems Analysis ---
TRA 4234 Warehouse Management ---
TRA 4721 International Logistics ---
TRA 4910 Directed Independent Study Program Director permission
TRA 4935 Special Topics in Logistics ---
TRA 4945 Logistics Internship MAN3504, MAR3023, TRA3035 OR TRA4202
TRA 4956 Study Abroad in Logistics Instructor permission